urukrama’s Openbox guide

If you’re a fan of Openbox, you should take a look at urukrama‘s excellent guide to setting up an Openbox system. He’s collected a lot of the best information available on the excellent little window manager, updated it and reorganized it for easy digestion. I’ve already learned a thing or two from it. 😕

Even if you’re not a fan, you should take a look. And if you’ve ever considered using Openbox you should definitely take a look, since it might be what convinces you to drop Gnome. 😈

1 thought on “urukrama’s Openbox guide

  1. urukrama

    Wow. Didn’t see that coming…

    Thank you, K.Mandla. Now I’m wondering what you have learned from it 😀 A lot of the information in their comes from here, actually.

    The guide still has a few rough edges (and a few terrible typos), but I hope to update it soon. In any case, I’m glad it has been useful to some users interested in Openbox already.


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