Openbox 3.4.5 and lxpanel

There’s a new release of Openbox available, and lucky me, there’s a PKGBUILD (and a package, if you’re lazy) on the download page, ready to roll.

Changes look to be minor — added Hungarian, a few bugs fixed, etc. The real attraction to me is the last item on the changelog: the addition of an --exit flag for the openbox executable.

That means I can now properly ask Openbox to exit when I set up lxpanel. Before I was using killall openbox, which is rather messy, and not very graceful. I hadn’t ever asked for an exit flag, but seeing it in place makes me very thankful. 😉

2 thoughts on “Openbox 3.4.5 and lxpanel

  1. urukrama

    I’m also pretty happy that they added that feature. I’ve been wanting this for a while. Though killall openbox works, I always feel uneasy about using it. Perhaps the Openbox devs can read minds?


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