Crux ports and httpup

Lucky me, I don’t need rsync after all to access ports through my proprietary router. One less problem to solve.

It seems that the httpup utility, which is default in Crux and somewhat unheard of outside it, allows Crux users to upload Pkgfiles to the Internet. It also will do the reverse — and synchronize local ports against the databases.

Since it’s http-based, I don’t have to strangle my router to get a fresh set of ports in place, and now I can use prt-get too. This certainly beats manually downloading all the Pkgfiles with wget, then tracking the dependencies, and so forth. Now I can do a full system update on my little XO … which will probably take about 15 hours. 😯

What’s very interesting is the thought that this might be of use to me in Arch, where I am also locked out of the abs system because I can’t access it without rsync. If there’s another way, please, please somebody tell me.

Anyway, I haven’t looked into that lately, so perhaps there’s a way to get around that. But otherwise I might hijack httpup and build it in Arch, just to see what happens. 😈

3 thoughts on “Crux ports and httpup

  1. arTee

    I’m reading planetob through RSS and your articles have always the same title on planetob: “K.Mandla”. Could you please change it to the real title (like “Crux ports and httpup” in this case)? Thanks a lot.

  2. K.Mandla Post author

    @Sam: I’ve done that once or twice for explicit packages, and you’re right, it works fine. I guess it just bothers me in the back of my mind that I know there’s something that’s not working quite right, and I feel like I should try to find a way to fix it. 🙄

    @arTee: Hi. You might have to ask the PlanetOB managers to look into that; I have no way of fixing it. It might be that their feed for this page is reading the author field rather than the title field, and criss-crossing the two.


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