IceBuntu alpha 2 screenshot

Edit: Unfortunately, the images originally included in this post are gone, because of hosting problems in late 2009. My apologies.

There’s been an update to the fledgling IceBuntu derivative of Ubuntu, with a new theme and a few other minor adjustments. This one seems to be called “alpha 2,” if I read the ISO title correctly. I tried it out this afternoon and took a screenshot.

For the most part it doesn’t look that much different from any IceWM desktop with the IceBuntu theme; this is definitely one that is a fixer-upper. So far the only things that I see that need adding are the default Ubuntulooks GTK theme, and a few minor things.

If I use it for any extended periods of time I’ll probably be adding PCManFM over Xfe; I like the latter but I find it perennially out of place because of that Fox toolkit. It just never looks like it fits to me. 🙄

Discussion thread grew here, but seems to be evolving into a unique identity of its own, here.

6 thoughts on “IceBuntu alpha 2 screenshot

  1. Dr Small

    I prefer PcManFM.
    One of my biggest concerns with this, is that it will have alot of unnecessary apps on it. I know that they want to make it a “full distro” but the majority of the people that will use this won’t need Word Processors and such.

  2. Sam

    I really like the look of this now. I might test when I have time and see how it compares to my low spec arch boxes with icewm or openbox.

  3. Pingback: Boycott Novell » Links 15/02/2008: SGI Buys Linux Networx, New GNOME, Cloudbook Out

  4. zmjjmz

    Not much to say, other than that I’m posting this from the IceBuntu alpha2, and all it really lacks is the UbuntuLooks GTK theme (as K.Mandla said), better menu organization, Office software, and some tweaks on Kazehakase (namely identifying as Firefox for rendering reasons).
    If anyone else wants to make a suggestion, put one in here:


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