Recovery mode is slower than the GUI?

This is odd to me, and maybe I’m not 100 percent sure what’s going on. But this is the zv6000 again, first running Super Pi under the 32-bit Ubuntu Gnome GUI, and then under the recovery mode console.

This one has Firefox and NFS and a bunch of other stuff still running.

kmandla@cnd5320rkp:~/super_pi$ ./super_pi 20
 Version 2.0 of the super_pi for Linux OS
 Fortran source program was translated into C program with version 19981204 of f2c, then generated C source program was optimized manually.
 pgcc 3.2-3 with compile option of "-fast -tp px -Mbuiltin -Minline=size:1000 -Mnoframe -Mnobounds -Mcache_align -Mdalign -Mnoreentrant" was used for the compilation.
 ------ Started super_pi run : Fri Feb 22 12:12:37 JST 2008
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.996 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       1.948 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       2.128 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       2.144 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       2.136 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       2.128 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       2.132 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       2.132 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       2.132 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       2.128 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       2.132 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       2.132 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       2.132 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       2.148 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       2.148 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       2.128 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       2.108 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       2.092 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       2.044 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       1.916 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=      42.683 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.188 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      42.871(       1.384) Sec.
 ------ Ended super_pi run : Fri Feb 22 12:13:20 JST 2008

Now with background applications closed. A slight bump, and that’s what I expected.

kmandla@cnd5320rkp:~/super_pi$ ./super_pi 20
 Version 2.0 of the super_pi for Linux OS
 Fortran source program was translated into C program with version 19981204 of f2c, then generated C source program was optimized manually.
 pgcc 3.2-3 with compile option of "-fast -tp px -Mbuiltin -Minline=size:1000 -Mnoframe -Mnobounds -Mcache_align -Mdalign -Mnoreentrant" was used for the compilation.
 ------ Started super_pi run : Fri Feb 22 12:16:46 JST 2008
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.948 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       1.828 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       2.100 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       2.100 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       2.100 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       2.100 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       2.104 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       2.096 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       2.100 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       2.100 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       2.104 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       2.104 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       2.096 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       2.100 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       2.104 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       2.100 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       2.088 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       2.060 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       2.016 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       1.880 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=      41.907 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.184 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      42.091(       1.316) Sec.
 ------ Ended super_pi run : Fri Feb 22 12:17:29 JST 2008

Now from the recovery console. Sorry for not copying everything by hand this time.

 End of calculation.    Time=      68.020 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.352 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      68.372(       2.132) Sec.
 ------ Ended super_pi run : Fri Feb 22 12:21:46 JST 2008

Odd, but as you can see, the calculation time was longer under the root console than it was under the Gnome GUI. I doubt very much Gnome was speeding something up, so I can only take the opposite conclusion, that something is bogging down my recovery mode.

I’ll have to double-check how the program works, and what the results really mean. Then maybe play the same trick in 64-bit, and maybe in another distro.

1 thought on “Recovery mode is slower than the GUI?

  1. Pingback: Deciphering Super Pi « Motho ke motho ka botho

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