500,000 hits

Edit: Unfortunately, the images originally included in this post are gone, because of hosting problems in late 2009. My apologies.

Well, here it is, +2.

Thanks to Freduardo for picking up the screenshot.

I’ve said it a couple of time before, but I really am flattered that half a million people would find anything here interesting enough to want to visit. Sometimes I can even rationalize and tell myself the spammers are flattering too, in a twisted, stupid kind of way.

Statistics are only interesting to some, but I will say that I’ve made roughly 875 posts since August 2006, with the bulk being Ubuntu- or Linux-related. The most popular post, by an immense margin, was the rtorrent tutorial, which continues to get more than 200 hits a day, sometimes more.

Regardless of why you’re here, I thank you. I enjoy your comments (even the trolls sometimes) and e-mails, and I hope you find something useful or helpful in these notes. Cheers, and best wishes in your Linux adventures! See you at 1,000,000! :mrgreen:

4 thoughts on “500,000 hits

  1. Justin

    congrats on the hits. Your page gets these hits because you seem to have the same problems as everyone else ( duh 🙂 ) but the fact you take the time to document your steps makes this a good resource. My linux experience sort of followed you from ubuntu, to arch to crux lol. I dont know, if i see you like a program or something, it tends to be one i enjoy as well. So congrats again.

  2. Justin

    o yeah, the fact you update while im at work, makes checking the site during work like a routine lol.


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