KDEmod, once more and quickly

Edit: Unfortunately, the images originally included in this post are gone, because of hosting problems in late 2009. My apologies.

I needed to run the Inspiron overnight for a number-crunching project, so I reinstalled Arch (it only takes about 20 minutes to get everything working in Arch … what a great distro!) and for fun, dropped KDEmod on top again.

It’s not the most creative KDE desktop, but it’s okay for an overnight processor-slogging chore.

I’m always amazed at how good KDE looks. Gnome always looks bulbous and protuberant (is that a word?) but KDE is shiny and sleek and clean. Of course, looks are easy to change, so complaining about that is probably moot point.

Well, this quick interlude is almost over. I have a few hours to spare and I still have to churn through a lot more tests, so it’s time to dig out my DBAN disk. So long, KDE. See you again sometime.

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