Half a loaf is better than no bread at all

I did my best, but it doesn’t look like the screen I bought for the beat-up Thinkpad is a viable option. It wouldn’t be possible to connect the signal cables properly without creasing them or snapping them, and the inverter is different, and the cable ends are different, and the screw mounts are slightly out of place, and. …

Anyway, rather than manhandle this machine beyond it’s intended ability, I’d do better just to keep it on hand as a one-eyed spare. For now I’ll call it a test machine (the upcoming Ubuntulite 0.8 release is on the to-do list), or perhaps as a 24-hour torrent seeder, now that I have complete access to the Internet. It may be ugly or crippled, but it still works.

And there’s always the chance I might pick up an external monitor, or even find a desktop machine that needs attention. … Blasphemy! 😯 😉

1 thought on “Half a loaf is better than no bread at all

  1. Pingback: The prodigal son returns « Motho ke motho ka botho

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