/dev/sdb1 has been mounted 309 times without being checked, check forced

Edit: Unfortunately, the images originally included in this post are gone, because of hosting problems in late 2009. My apologies.

I figured no one would believe this, so I took a picture of it.

I realized when I got this message (in a fresh Ubuntu installation) that the modular drive I have been using for months, across three or four installations of Crux and Arch, hasn’t been checked in any of that time. That’s my fault of course; I should really have made sure it was being checked, instead of just letting the mount count roll up like that.

Addendum: That’s an ext2 partition, using only the noatime flag. Errors found? None. So don’t let anyone tell you ext2 is somehow more likely to catch an error. I would strongly disagree with that noise. And maybe journalling isn’t as important as you are led to believe. 🙂

1 thought on “/dev/sdb1 has been mounted 309 times without being checked, check forced


    mine has gotten to around 2000, no joke… by the way, journaling just makes fsck faster (which is the only + of ext3 over ext2, i think…) nothing to do will more prone to errors.


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