Audacious default, gtk2-engines-pixbuf

Edit: Unfortunately, the images originally included in this post are gone, because of hosting problems in late 2009. My apologies.

This is another reminder-to-self post: The “default” skin that’s packed with the Ubuntu (and possibly others) version of Audacious has a nifty GTK2 theme included that appears as “aud-Default” in GTK2.0+ Change Theme. Looks like …

It goes well with some dark themes, like the bundled Onyx version in blue that appears in Openbox by default. You can scalp it out of the default installation location at /usr/share/audacious/Skins/Default/ but you’ll need the gtk2-engines-pixbuf package to make it work (in Ubuntu, that is).

So add that to the Onyx theme for Openbox, maybe a few other additons, like the default lxpanel appearance, and it’s a nice dark setup. Let me know if anything else (like a good icon set) goes well with that. And one of these days I’ll set that Openbox theme to turn an unfocused window to a different color, instead of that oddball white … šŸ˜

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