Post 1000

Edit: Unfortunately, the images originally included in this post are gone, because of hosting problems in late 2009. My apologies.

Well, here it is. I’ve been wondering when this day would arrive, since I noticed the post ticker climbing past 700, then 800, then 900.

And now it’s here. After more than two years of roughly a post a day, with random screenshots, guides and howtos, software releases and software reviews, with occasional dry spells balanced by occasional frenzies of overzealous incoherent jibberish (that last post is included in that label 😯 ) … post 1000 comes off the assembly line, complete with that new-car smell.

If you’ve been around long enough to remember the early days of this blog, thanks very much for sticking around. And if this is your first visit, thanks to you too, for checking it out. Fun ride, huh!

Next stop, post 10,000! πŸ™„

Cheers, all!

3 thoughts on “Post 1000

  1. tanguyr

    Well then, happy blogday to you, and here’s looking forwards to many more posts – of all kinds!

  2. Reacocard

    Wow its been a long time. I dont know that I was following this from the very beginning but certainly within the first few months. 😯

    One of these days I’ll get around to updating my blog… yeah, right. πŸ˜›


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