Ten days, ~50 downloads

Since I posted that final version of Ubuntu GTK1.2 Remix about 10 days ago, about 50 people have downloaded it. Thanks to everyone who gave it a try. I hope it worked well for you.

I haven’t had much time to work with it in the past few weeks, mostly because I was aching for some real speed, and succumbed to a desire to install Crux again. Right now I’m sifting through all my old ports, making sure they still work, and completing a well-rounded system that I prefer.

However, the near future still includes a reworking of that install script, probably a fresher ISO with more up-to-date Hardy packages and better wallpaper and theme options. I like the blue personally, so I might pick out another one that’s similar, and include it as well.

And of course I do have a (luckily) small list of issues that need resolved. None of them is life-threatening; just things like strangely ineffectual reboot and shutdown menu options, and an /etc/hosts file that needs tweaking.

By all means, if you have suggestions or want to point out a way to fix something, I appreciate the input. Originally I built it for me, because I prefer that style on old machines, but I can take suggestions, so long as they’re not outlandish or exceed the original goals of the “project.”

And for what it’s worth, I don’t intend on making the jump from Hardy to Intrepid with the remix. Most of that software is several years past its last update anyway, so the only improvements between 8.04 and 8.10 would either be esoteric hardware arrangements, or kernel improvements. And I doubt anyone is running a GTK1.2 desktop on a quad core machine. 🙄

Either way I’m content to let that version stand for a while, and maybe — just maybe — update it to the next LTS version in a couple of years. Otherwise, the state of things now, as you see them, is how they’ll probably stay.

Cheers, and thanks if you tried it, or gave feedback. 😀

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