Thinning the herd, again

I took an hour today and trimmed out all the stale blogs from the list at the right. If your blog was on that list and you hadn’t posted anything Linux-ish in the past month … it’s probably not there any more.

As always, if you want your site linked there, and it has something to do with Linux, and you post something relatively frequently, let me know. I’d be more than happy to send a little traffic your way.

But be forewarned: If you get lazy, out come the scissors. … 😈

3 thoughts on “Thinning the herd, again

  1. James

    …and FremLog bites the dust! College is cruel to bloggers. ^_^

    Nah, that’s fine. I stopped maintaining a blogroll for exactly that reason; I hated clearing things out.


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