The red hot Ubuntu love machine revisited

I was surprised to find some of my leftover photos on the Internet today, including some of a Dell GX150 I repainted a couple of years ago before selling it on ebay.

I figured after disassembling one machine earlier today, I might as well re-link to those photos and enjoy the nostalgia.


That particular machine was very flexible for a small-form-factor desktop computer. I know these were originally marketed for the business sector, but with a proper upgrade or two they were no less usable than most of the machines I have now. (Of course, most of the machines I have now are … the same. 🙄 )


I don’t remember how much money I made off it, but I know I turned a handsome profit.


Two cans of paint, a few hours of time and a hobby that makes your bank account grow. Even more so, if you have any artistic ability. In light of the current economic situation, it might be something to consider. 😉

9 thoughts on “The red hot Ubuntu love machine revisited

  1. Guitar John

    Cool! Sexy!

    If I may ask, is that just regular old spray paint or some kind of specialty paint?

    There could be a custom paint job in the future for my Dell 4700. 🙄

  2. K.Mandla Post author

    That was Krylon Fusion, if I remember right. It’s designed to bond to plastic and cures to a sheen, which makes it perfect. With other paints you’d have to add a coat to get a shine, but this stuff is my favorite for repainting projects. Scrub liberally, dry thoroughly, paint in clean and even strokes on a clear and windless day, cure over a day or two and reassemble. It’s like a new computer.

  3. Anonymous

    yeah that is quite nice, i love the well placed stickers and badges as well for that professional feel 🙂

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