I should have thought of this a long time ago. There are no Crux forums; that’s a choice made by the developers and I respect it. Mailing lists and IRC work just fine for me too, although I admit I’m more inclined to use a forum over either of the other two. Mailing lists seem somehow impersonal and at the same time too personal, and I am far too ADHD to stay on IRC very long. 😐

And I was introduced to Linux through the Ubuntu Forums, so it feels comfortable that way. In the Other OS section, where Ubuntu users seek out advice on the world beyond brown, cardinals_fan has started a thread for Crux questions and discussion. It’s the same way Arch used to be, until about a year ago when Arch users lobbied for a discrete area of their own.

So if you have questions and you’d rather put them to a group in a forum format, you have that option too. You could leave a question on this blog here for me, but I consider myself a newbie to Crux — and to Linux too, really — so you might benefit from having many people look over your question, instead of just this slim audience. :mrgreen:

1 thought on “CRUX Talk

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