Three months, 300+ downloads

I just wanted to say a short thank-you to anyone who has tried out Ubuntu GTK1.2 Remix, that terrifically ugly but nonetheless curious rendition of Ubuntu 8.04 that I concocted a few months ago. Two unusual bugs aside it has served the function I intended for it, and I hope it has been of some use to you too.

It’s been about three months since I turned it loose on the Internet, and about 300 downloads are what the file host shows, plus an unknown number from the mirror at plusone linux.

Originally I wasn’t interested in feedback, but there hasn’t been much of a rumble in opposition to it, so I’d be willing to take suggestions. There are no numbered releases (just “current”), but if I were to revise it I might consider adjusting the software array, including some custom wallpapers, etc.

Let me know if it works for you, or if it doesn’t. And if you tried it at all, thanks. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Three months, 300+ downloads

  1. Timmy Macdonald

    If you made it easier to install software (even better documentation would help), it would make it a lot easier on all of us Linux enthusiasts who don’t know about the inner workings of our systems. I even had the guts to try to install H3V from the CLI–but got stymied by the “bash: chmod – command not found” error.

  2. K.Mandla Post author

    An interesting idea. Those have been done in Arch and Crux though, and don’t seem to work as well in Ubuntu. I’ll give it a shot though, and see if it’s a possibility.


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