Well, look what we have here. …

Ubuntu LinuxOnyros on the Ubuntu Forums gets a big gold smilie for pointing out a fantastic cache of extremely lightweight software, most of which is written in Python, if I am reading it right. That means just about anything with a working version of Python should be able to take advantage of them.

I have a rack of things that need to be done in the immediate future, but I’m looking forward to experimenting with weblink, Droopy and a couple of other things posted there. I have a feeling some of it might be great for cross-the-web transfers, or even just across-my-network transfers when other methods seem inappropriate.

In any case there’s enough stuff there to keep myself busy for at least a day, if not a whole weekend. If you find something fun and want to brag about it before I get the chance, please do.

Okay, Onyros, here it is: 😀

4 thoughts on “Well, look what we have here. …

  1. Onyros

    Haha, nice!

    And you know what? I just found another one, I’m pretty sure you’ll like.

    Scroll down on this one:


    to where it mentions pyftpdlib. There’s a little script for a standalone FTP server, also in Python.

    It also mentions the brilliant yet über simple Woof, which I used and loved previously.

    It doesn’t get any better (and simpler) than this, so right back at ya: 🙂

  2. eksith

    Python has the potential to do for desktop and web utilites what PHP did for web sites.

    Really flexible and a pleasure to work with. You will see more and more useful apps coming in the future.


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