I have not been idle

I know you’re thinking a bigshot like me can afford to sit back and do nothing, and watch the links roll in on his/her blog. 🙄 And you think that’s why I’ve been silent for the past day or so, with nothing except one accidental misposting to speak of in the last 24-plus hours.

Well, you’re mistaken. I’ve been hard at work, updating and adding to that pesky Software page. I decided that an overhaul was overdue, and overtook the project with a new perspective. I was overwhelmed at first, but now I’m overjoyed to be finished.

Enough of that! 👿

A couple of things have been deleted from that now-ginormous page — XPad is probably the most notable omission — but a slew of terminal applications have been added. Most of them I have either mentioned before or given spotlight posts of their own, but there are one or two newcomers in that list.

That page will most likely get a few more updates in the days to come. Not that I have something up my sleeve, but I generally find mistakes or omissions in first 24 hours after I post something. And when a page of that size gets a healthy rewrite … well, there are lots of mistakes, just waiting to be corrected. 😐

1 thought on “I have not been idle

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