Two new bits of information

I discovered (found? realized?) two important things today, which are somehow relevant to recent posts I’ve made.

First, I have two machines in the house that rely on Xorg’s siliconmotion driver — the Thinkpad and the Sotec. After a long wait, I put Crux on the latter, built an X system and was pleased to see that it wouldn’t work either.

Ergo, any fear I might have that I mangled the system myself is weakened, in my estimation.

The other is that the fbi package which I recall from aeons ago as a way of displaying images on my otherwise text-only Thinkpad seems to be part of a fbida set. That, in turn seems to require xorg-libxpm to display images, which in turn seems to rely on some of the X underbelly.

I’m using the Arch PKGBUILD as a guide for it, and I can compile it without a problem in Crux. But I’d like to find a way to isolate fbi and build it alone.

On the other hand most of those things might be useful, so perhaps that small slice of X — which has thus far caused me no problems — might not be a bad thing.

Decisions, decisions. …

3 thoughts on “Two new bits of information

  1. Jeff Flowers

    As always Mr K.Mandla, it is very interesting to read your blog and see you work your way through issues, even though you use Crux Linux and I use OpenBSD.

    Have a good day!

  2. Duncan Snowden

    Have you seen fim (“fbi improved”)? I haven’t tried it, but it looks like it might be just what you need. The only dependencies appear to be libjpeg/png etc. There’s a PKGBUILD in the AUR if you want to try converting it for Crux.

  3. Pingback: xorg-server 1.6.0 claims another victim « Motho ke motho ka botho

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