Trimming the list, again

In the few moments I had this morning, I trimmed away a lot of the blogs on the list at right. If yours was there and it’s not any more, I probably visited it yesterday, saw nothing Linux-related posted in the recent past, and removed it. Let me know if I made a mistake.

If you want your blog or site added, by all means send me a note and I’ll check it out. The standing rule applies though: If you get lazy, or if your blog is more about your cat than Linux, well. … 😈

2 thoughts on “Trimming the list, again

  1. roqwez

    Hai Kmandla . . . Mmm is that ur name? My name is roland and i am from Indonesia. My comment doesnt related to trimming the list, again article but i really like to tell you that i enjoyed reading ur blog especially reading articles about using Linux on older hardwares. Its really encouraging me to do the same, have fun with Linux on older hardware. another thing about me is i myself a newbie in Linux (only 2 years with Ubuntu).



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