Windows 7, start to finish

The Windows 7 fooferah is in full swing, both here and elsewhere, and I for one have little or no contact with it. That’s partly because I have little or no interest in it, and one follows the other, so to speak.

Since I am not a Windows user and probably never will be, I won’t bother denigrating the latest Microsoft effort to stay in business. Although after a while, it becomes obvious to anyone — Linux users or Windows users — that people have to keep buying Windows, or Microsoft would go bankrupt. And from that, it becomes equally obvious why there is so much fooferah, and why Windows’ reputation for performance suffers so many critics. Myself included. 😐

To put the lid on the fooferah, I’ll just post the photo that’s been reposted so many times elsewhere. …

Sent to me by one of my detractors, who prefers the expensive corporate swirl of electronic gobbledygook in order to use a computer, as opposed to the free and easily understandable gobbledygook that I use. Questions that might arise from looking at that picture — What does that mean? Are they for real? Who in the world would buy that? — would be better directed toward Microsoft, with regard to their product: What do you mean? Are you for real? Who in the world would buy that?

Next stop, a brief interlude to mention the BBC and a blog post by Rory Clellan-Jones, regarding Ubuntu and its viability when compared to Windows 7 and Mac OS 10.x.x (I can’t keep up with the versions there). I don’t know RCJ from Adam, and to be honest, it’s neither here nor there to me what the BBC has to say about Linux.

If there was ever a shill for Microsoft, it is the tech news department of the BBC. I respect them as an international news-gathering organization and I would crawl through a pit of red-hot razor wire and broken glass to get news from them over anything pumped out of America these days … but let’s face it: Their IT reviewers and tech pundits don’t impress me as much more than press release rewriters, latched firmly to their fax machines awaiting the next truckload of nonsense from Redmond. Or Apple. Or Twitter. Or Twittering about Apple. πŸ™„

So whether or not Rory Clellan-Jones knows a mouse from a hole in the ground is moot point to me; I stopped listening to their IT news not long after I started using Linux … because changing your perspective in that way makes them look foolish. On the other hand, aysiu has a much more effective rebuttal to RCJ’s review. 😈

Lastly, before anyone replies in any way to the pro or to the con about Microsoft’s latest release, it might be worthwhile to note that a good test of any product is to see what the people who sell the product use. Who cuts the barber’s hair, so to speak.

And in this case, the issue is up for debate. Ask what uses as an OS and it will tell you Linux, but as is discussed, that’s more than likely a rerouting through another server system that is being reported, and not actually the inner sanctum of the Microsoft cathedral itself.

Personally I still find that ironic. Either side of the software freedom debate can rationalize that fact as they like, but to me, it speaks volumes that the world’s most powerful company and entrenched software producer relies on something other than their own product to relay information to their own service. Full stop.

So there it is. For me, for all practical purposes, Windows 7 is come and gone. Like it, hate it — decide for yourself. My own opinion was formed when the aforementioned BBC fawned over it with this quote, from only a few days ago.

It needs less computing power so older PCs run it quite happily. “Our PCs have gained another two years lifetime,” says Chris Page, who deployed Windows 7 on nearly 700 computers in schools run by Warwickshire County Council. Just one five-year-old laptop refused to run the new operating system, he reports.

Wow, a 5-year-old laptop can’t run Windows 7? Well, I guess that closes the door on me.

Until tomorrow. …

8 thoughts on “Windows 7, start to finish

  1. JoshMiller

    While in general I like Linux, I’ve been working on trying to use something other than Ubuntu recently and have been reminded once again just why it isn’t quite there yet.

    I’ve tried to install no less than three Distros on a machine I have so far with no success, Ubuntu included (though I’m not sure why).

    I’ve tried Ubuntu which just doesn’t even load off of the Live CD for some reason, Gentoo, which I couldn’t get Grub to work even after repeated tweeking. I’m working on OpenSUSE now but either I can’t install from the live CD and need the DVD or I’m doing it wrong.

    I’ve used Linux off and on over the use and had success though with Redhat 9 being the first, Mandrake 10, Puppy Linux, Pend Drive Linux, Damn Small Linux, and possibly others.

    I’m not saying it’s crap or anything, I’m just saying it still needs a lot of work to ever really “make it”.

    In contrast I’ve used and enjoyed every version of Windows since I was like 5 starting with Windows 1.0, and MSDOS before that.

  2. mulenmar

    I use Windows 7 at work, when I can’t get something to work under Debian. Which isn’t often, fortunately πŸ˜€

    I think it’s the best POS Microsoft has come up with to date. Much lighter and more responsive than Vista, especially with Aero turned off and using the Windows Classic theme. 😈

    Still, I’ll take Debian Testing + backports over Windows Seven any day of the week, given the choice. 😐


    Posted from Kazehakase 0.5.8, Arch Linux

  3. wolf


    This kind of negativity and ignorance from RCJ is good for Linux afaic. It keeps the hoards away.

    Sort of like having discovered a pristine beach resort in some exotic part of the world and not running your mouth about it. If you tell everybody, it’ll soon be ruined by escalating prices and all the other joy killers that greed can create. I doubt if Linux would be immune to these pressures if it did become well known.

    I too find the BBC more objective and interesting than the US press.

  4. Peter

    I actually thought the piece by RCJ was reasonably well balanced, he was writing about his first 24 hours with an operating system that was new to him and the fairly typical problems he met (pick a distro and check the forum for it you will see he is not alone).

    I’m pretty sure if someone stuck me in front of Windows 7 for 24 hours and told me to write a review I’d come up with problems that would seem silly and obviously solved to those familiar with Microsoft operating systems.

    What I’d like to see is a longer term review once he has got to grip with the differences.

  5. Pingback: Today, I say don’t bother « Motho ke motho ka botho

  6. Pingback: Ubuntu in Nov. 18 Daily Yomiuri « Motho ke motho ka botho

  7. Pingback: Five vaguely-attached ideas « Motho ke motho ka botho

  8. Pingback: Windows 7 rumblings « Motho ke motho ka botho

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