Using figlet for a console screensaver

This one is of my own invention, so if it’s sloppy or if there’s another way to do this, please let me know. I was thinking about tty-clock and clockywock, and at the same time thinking about the 3D hostname screensaver that usually appears in the xscreensaver package. This is nowhere near as cool, but it does something similar.

while true  
		echo "Crux" `uname -r -s` "on" $HOSTNAME | figlet -t -c -f /usr/share/figlet/small.flf  
		date | figlet -t -c -f /usr/share/figlet/big.flf  
		sleep 15s  

Trigger that as part of a screensaver script for GNU/screen, and it should display something like this …

But without the split screen effects, of course. Needless to say you’ll need figlet installed, but beyond that, it shouldn’t require anything special. Feel free to expound upon it; I’m sure there are better or more interesting ways of accomplishing this. 😉

4 thoughts on “Using figlet for a console screensaver

  1. Pingback: Links 3/1/2010: KDE SC 4.4 Videos, Zorin OS 2.0 Reviewed | Boycott Novell

  2. Dario

    I would like to help for the this script
    who can help me?

    “1 = Tekst aanpassen”
    “2 = Logo aanpassen”
    “4 = Ander font kiezen”
    “5 = Ascii art toevoegen of verwijderen”
    “6 = Mail bekijken”
    “7 = Mail versturen”
    “X = exit”


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