In-house updates: Software page changes

I made a huge change to the Software page, inverting the entire structure and including not just the larger applications that I use, but also some lesser tools that I keep on hand.

It’s something of a watershed moment, since I feel like it’s time I acknowledge I spend more time at the console than I do in a graphical environment. For the past year or so, perhaps longer, I’ve populated that page with mostly graphical applications, and let the terminal equivalents ride at the bottom.

But it’s a new year and rather than keep pointing people at this page when I want to show the programs I actually use, over the programs I just suggest, I redrew the entire thing and put those things at the top. Console first, then graphical, and with much less space given to the latter.

The downside is that the page is considerably larger than it was yesterday. Including everything I have installed means there needed to be a brief synopsis of what it was and why it was useful. Quite literally I used the output of prt-get listinst, trimmed out core utilities and libraries, and went to work with what was left.

So if you’re using Firefox on a 56K line be forewarned: There’s a giant-sized page in place there now. Of course, if you’re using elinks at 120Mhz on a 54g wireless connection (like me), you’ll hardly notice a difference. 😉

3 thoughts on “In-house updates: Software page changes

    1. K.Mandla Post author

      Yeah, I deliberately omitted it. Recommending a browser is like recommending a religion or a political party. No good can come of it. :mrgreen:

    2. quigybo

      @Dieter_be: Haha fishing for a free plug are we? (mag wel)

      Well I’ll go ahead and do it, I recommend uzbl_tabbed…


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