Here we go again …

Well, I waited a polite week or so grace period, but it doesn’t appear that will be back any time soon, which means my photos that were on there are probably permanently gone.

This will be the second image host I’ve outlived, which means it’s time for me to learn to suffer with’s in-house hosting service. It adds two or three extra steps to posting for me, but I suppose there’s a measure of peace of mind to be had: With the image and the text all on the same site, there’s less chance one is available and the other not. 🙄

In any case, I’m going to start sifting through the last six months of posts (about 180 pages, maybe?) and see where stuff is missing. I’ll repost what I can, but there will always be one or two that were irreplaceable. You know the drill: If you find one, tell me where it is so I can clean up this place. Sigh. 😐

19 thoughts on “Here we go again …

  1. livibetter

    I recommend Flickr, too. I don’t think Flickr will ever out of business. (I use free account)

    In my case of blogging. I write in Markdown, which is good to incorporate HTML. So I just copy and paste (no changes required) into Markdown source of my posting. Simple and easy.

  2. tigrmesh will come back up soon. But it will only be up like 2/3 of the month due to cost issues. So you will be able to retrieve your images, but will not be very reliable.

    Going with wordpress and never having to relocate and rehost the images sounds like a great idea. But then, I’m not the one doing the work…

  3. Hessiess

    Personally I recommend that you move the Blog to one of the cheep shied hosting providers, all of which alow FTP uploads, which could be used for uploading images from a command line environment. Personally Im using and have had no issues with them.

  4. lyyx

    To actually be helpful – a lot of the images under your Software are missing, which are probably a priority. I have to say, seeing a blog like this lose large chunks of its history is frustrating. It makes me rethink the whole cloud computing thing.

    1. K.Mandla Post author

      I was kind of wondering if anyone would make the connection between the cloud and my missing images. … 👿

      And thanks, by the way. I’ll get started with that software page again. …

      1. livibetter

        If I recall correctly, you can export from

        Then you `grep` the exported file.

        So, is this helpful?

  5. steve

    Maybe not so helpful, but why don’t you host your pictures yourself?
    This is what I do and uploads and websites going down are mostly a thing of the past.
    Of course, bb cappage could be a problem so I’m not suggesting it as a cure-all solution

  6. evidex

    Ya, Omploader going down left quite a few people high and dry. I do use the WordPress image hosting, but I agree with it slowing things down. Adding images through the visual editor is simple, but not the fastest thing.

    Still, host is almost faultless, and with 3GB for free, I’m not going to complain. Folders would be nice though 🙂

  7. binhng

    imgur is a good choice, though uploaded images will be compress.

    or you can try, which has a command line tool for uploading images like omploader or imgur


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