One more anniversary

It’s not all sad news around the house today though. This month has been chock full of anniversaries and milestones, and yesterday I noticed another one: the “birthday” of the Pentium I use on a daily basis.

Yep, a year ago I found a museum-quality Pentium computer in a thrift shop down the road, dropped a single 1000-yen note on the counter top and brought it home.

Since then it has supplanted just about every other machine I’ve owned in the past decade, accomplishing the same day-to-day tasks on a fraction of the power and resources, and hopefully inspiring a person or two in the process.

It’s taught me a lot about usability, function, power and efficiency, and even served as the guinea pig for one of the most gratifying experiments I personally have ever conducted with a computer.

So here’s a first-anniversary snapshot, just for the record and to preserve a memory. Ladies and gentlemen, the Fujitsu FMV-5120 NU2/W. Fourteen years old and in its prime. 🙂

Cheers, and may all your prized possessions likewise last beyond their intended lifespan. :mrgreen:

3 thoughts on “One more anniversary

  1. Julien

    I found your blog today and i like your idea to give a second life to old computers! I’ll try to find an old laptop (old Ibm thinkpad or Apple PowerBook) to run a Linux distribution with framebuffer only software (Xorg is the worst part of the GNU/Linux).

    PS: +1 for removing the Windows sticker! 😉


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