A few notes for Arch Linux

Time is short today and I have been wanting to make note of a few links specific to Arch Linux. If you’re already an Arch user then there are probably no big secrets here.

On the other hand, I occasionally have to look for these links again when I install a new system, and that means they’re probably best kept here, where I can find them quicker.

Probably 95 percent of the Arch screenshots you see include a nifty logo and rundown on the guts of a system. For example …

That one is Archey, which is in AUR here. Archey has a few small options available to it, but otherwise, what you see above is what it does. I should convert it to Crux. Nah. 🙄

The page in the wiki on additional repositories mentions the Arch Games repo, of which only one of the sites works for me.

I use this one as a backup, and thus far it seems to work for me.

Server = http://pseudoform.org/arch-games/games/i686

Of course, you should always be skeptical of software installed from unofficial sources, etc., etc.

Another good site to remember is the Arch Rollback Machine, which can save you from a dead system in case an update creeps through that scrambles your installation.

The rollback system is discussed in full on the forums, here. There’s a lot that’s involved in rolling back your system though, so beyond that link I can’t get into too much detail.

It’s rare (for me) that an update breaks something, and Arch definitely not the only distro, in my experience, to install a broken package. But knowing how to get out of a tight spot is important for any computer user — regardless of OS.

And I’ll mention it last because of my own bias — there is a site that focuses solely on Arch Linux blogs, and it is updated fairly regularly.

archlinux.me is worth looking at once and revisiting again, if you’re the least bit interested or concerned with the distro.

No guarantees of course, as to quality or frequency of updates. Like I have mentioned in the past, I consider blogging to be at the bottom of a long list of worthless pastimes, but it has its followers. 🙄

That’s it for now. Real-life commitments are calling me. … 😐

9 thoughts on “A few notes for Arch Linux

  1. Kaleb Elwert

    Looks like you forgot a closing tag after the serverlist excerpt. The rest of the text is in a fixed width.

    1. K.Mandla Post author

      Thanks. I think I got it. Does it look right now? Occasionally my previews look fine, but it’s actually off-kilter. 😐

      1. Kaleb Elwert

        Yep, that looks right. 😉
        There’s also a thread in the forums, iirc, with a screenshot script. I added a few more options and images for it as well, like other distros, but I don’t think I posted it…

  2. James Wilcox

    Thanks for the links, lots of good info in there. Looking forward to a similar post telling me things I don’t know about crux!

  3. Pingback: Links 29/8/2010: ZaReason Laptops, Fennec for Android and Nokia N900 | Techrights

  4. tuxedoar

    From the Arch screenshot, I can see that you still use the ext2 filesystem. Do you have any special reason for it?

    I like your blog very much!. I find many CLI apps you mention very usefull. Thanks a lot!.


    1. K.Mandla Post author

      Yes and no. I generally use ext2 because there is no journaling, which is nicer to older computers and slower processors and sluggish I/O connections. Of course, on this machine, it would matter very little which filesystem I used. So yes, there is a reason for it, but on this hardware, it’s underkill. Just a habit, I guess. 🙄


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