People are strange

Some questions are so knotted and convoluted as to require an entire different mindset before an answer becomes obvious. Sometimes, just to answer a question, you have to un-teach a huge string of misconceptions, one by one.

Or you could do what I did, and just lie.

The other day my boss — who is not a bad person, just a run-of-the-mill businessman with a rather entrenched world view — asked why Microsoft allowed to exist.

This is the same person who, a year ago, dumped an overburdened but otherwise perfectly useful Duron and picked up a mid-grade dual-core running Vista — instead of properly managing the original machine.

With such a disposable view of technology, I was surprised that was being discussed.

The context was a memo from a subordinate, asking if could be installed on a communal PC, which would give access to newer file formats as opposed to our aging copy of Word 2003.

Naturally my boss assumed this upstart was an illegal version of Word, and asked me the aforementioned question.

I could see the long string of misunderstanding that was going to require explanation. I suppose I could have taken the opportunity to educate, but I have a lot of other responsibilities that are waiting in line in real life, so I took a shortcut.

“They can’t,” I said. “They tried but they can’t.”

I suppose in one way that’s true. I am sure Microsoft has told any number of lies to disparage a free competitor, so in a very general sense, I suppose they’ve tried but couldn’t. In any case, it was an easier answer than the unabridged version.

After that I suggested he check their web site and look a little at the explanation of the product, in his native language, and the happy ending to the story is that we now have installed for everyone to use.

But that’s not the only mysterious event of the past week or so. A client came into our office looking quite pleased with himself the other day, and the reason was actually rather sad. To me, at least.

It turns out he was happy because he had bought an application that could sever the audio track from a YouTube video.

As a fan of classic rock and roll (the stuff that is 50 or so years old now), it is difficult to purchase some material legitimately. So he was pleased that he could at least skim YouTube for decent recordings, and save them for his own enjoyment.

I listened to his story but all I could think was, “Gee, that would take me about four minutes to do with MPlayer, and for free.” Oh well.

To be honest, few people in my office know or even care that I am a Linux proponent, in part because I try hard to separate my online presence from my real life.

All the same, my neighbor with the Celeron laptop asked for Windows to be installed again, after buying an iPhone. 🙄 I helped with that, adding the caveat that after Windows was in place, I was not involved in managing it.

Two weeks later there was a request for Linux again, and this time rather than wade through all the work of setting up a system to the user’s liking, I just installed the LXDE version of Linux Mint.

And so far, there hasn’t been a peep of complaint, or that anything that needs correcting. Ubuntu was torpid, Xubuntu was sluggish, Arch was a lightning bolt that required too much configuration on my part.

But Mint in the LXDE version is apparently the cat’s meow. My neighbor is happy, which means I am too.

And one last note: The Pentium 4 machine I diagnosed years ago as needing only a $12 inverter to bring back up to full usefulness is … apparently … still being used as a doorstop.

Sad, but to the point of ridiculousness now. I spoke to the owner a day ago and again said I’d take it away for the right price, but by now, the joke is maturing, like cheese or wine. Doing something about it would just spoil it, don’t you think? :mrgreen: 🙄

7 thoughts on “People are strange

  1. mulenmar

    “Ubuntu was torpid, Xubuntu was sluggish, Arch was a lightning bolt that required too much configuration on my part.”

    This single quote is enough to finally put me over the edge and create a page of Quotes on my blog — it sums up my perspective of those three perfectly.

    As for the poor, misguided soul who bought one of Steve Job’s fashion accessories, you might want to check and similar threads. That one is from 2008, but she/he might be able to just start up a Windows XP virtual machine for when iTunes is truly vital. (Never, unless you need to restore to stock config).

    1. mulenmar

      Scratch that part about using your quote — rereading the GFDL and commentaries about it makes it seem that the GNU Free Documentation License and even the Creative Commons Attribution license are incompatible. And “fair use” is something I’m antsy enough on, I’m not crossing a GNU license. 😐

  2. keithpeter

    “After that I suggested he check their web site and look a little at the explanation of the product, in his native language, and the happy ending to the story is that we now have installed for everyone to use.”

    IN educational institutions an open source Web application called Moodle has a wide following as a ‘virtual learning environment’, essentially a way for teachers to make secure web sites for specific student groups. The teachers can administer their course sites via their web browser.

    In the early days, I had so many meetings trying to explain why there was no cost for downloading Moodle… The Microsoft corporate mind set takes some breaking down, and I swear it gets worse as the manager has more responsibility for IT.

    PS: Ubuntustudio installs a light ish Gnome, runs in about half the ram of regular Ubuntu. I just install it and don’t select any of the media production package sets, and I get a ‘bare’ Gnome with the applets (Gedit, synaptic, brasero, the config screens, plus Firefox), so my own choice of media player, office suite, e-mail &c.

  3. leo_rockway

    The first real app I wrote when learning how to program was to rip the sound track out of YouTube videos. It took me about 30 minutes to have it working (it was lousy, but it worked) and I had never really coded anything before.
    The app is now the backend of (which is pretty used nowadays by free software hacktivists).

    Not only did this person pay for something that’s really easy to code, he paid for a service that’s available for free in the aforementioned website.

  4. Pingback: Look out Ubuntu, look out Arch: Linux Mint Debian « Motho ke motho ka botho

  5. Pingback: No Flash? No problem: « Motho ke motho ka botho

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