Who are you, and where is my regular audio playback application?

Waitaminute. Where did this come from?

For some reason when I started up Audacious the other day, I got this instead of my standard Winampish-throwback audio player interface.

Not bad, really. It seems to have all the same points and arrangement as the old style of Audacious, just in a way that makes it look like a regular GTK-based desktop fixture.

And it’s not out of place for being completely unlike any other music player since 1998. I used to use AlsaPlayer a lot, for much the same reason: It looks remarkably like the old Windows Media Player 6 (or whatever it was).

And there’s still Potamus to use on machines so slow that almost-no-interface is the best solution.

In any case, I have vocalized my surprise and relative amusement at this interesting addition, so this post can now end. šŸ™„

2 thoughts on “Who are you, and where is my regular audio playback application?

  1. celettu

    I’ve been loving the GTK-layout by audacious for some months now, but as far as I know it’s still possible to have the old winamp look, themes and all šŸ™‚

  2. bryan

    it most certainly is possible to get it looking just like the old default. Just check under the ‘View’ menu. šŸ™‚


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