Bug No. 602265: A forum bookmark

I have an Ubuntu gripe that needs … griped: To the best of my knowledge, there is no default shortcut to the Ubuntu Forums in a clean installation of Ubuntu.

For me, as a long-time moderator and as someone who relied heavily on the forums in my early Linux experience, that’s a bit of a disappointment.

Regardless of what you think about the distro, and regardless of what you think about the forums, it’s still one of the — if not the — largest Linux-focused forums on the Internet … and I have heard it said that it ranks among of the largest forums, period. (Of course, I don’t have numbers for that. Perhaps you can find some.)

In any case, I think a site of that size and with that much influence — and now with a five-plus-year history of helping people free themselves from Microsoft and Apple — deserves a better representation in the distro itself.

Any number of distros, from the smallest to the largest, make a point of sending users directly to help forums. Ubuntu should do the same … and lumping them all into a “support site” just isn’t the same thing for me. And yes, I know Linux’s traditional reliance on mailing lists. 🙄

There is, actually, a bug report that approaches this issue obliquely: Launchpad bug No. 602265. It’s been around for a while and was actually framed by philinux, another moderator, in the context that the default shortcuts in Firefox needed updating.

And on the whole I can agree with that. If it means a direct link to the forums, then yes, those shortcuts need updating.

Personally though, I am focused on only one of those links. To me it just seems like a good idea, and a worthy nod to a resource that has had such a huge impact on so many lives.

4 thoughts on “Bug No. 602265: A forum bookmark

  1. Jeff Flowers

    Speaking of Ubuntu, there is no such thing as Ubuntu Base, is there? The reason I ask is that I am testing Ubuntu on my netbook and I really like it, but wow do they include the kitchen sink.

      1. Jeff Flowers

        That sounds great but then I would have to know what to add to get it where I wanted it. I have that right now with Arch.

      2. Gary

        You can go one better by using Ubuntu’s mini.iso (13MB download) image file, that way you basically build Ubuntu from scratch and leave out the crap!


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