Feather Linux’s stats.pl perl script

One of the things I noticed in Feather Linux when I was trying it out a week or so ago, was a nifty perl script that coughs up a system profile formatted in HTML.

I’m no perl programmer — in fact, I’m no programmer at all — but little gizmos like this are always nifty to collect and transplant.

Originally the script was hot-wired into the Fluxbox menu, but it runs just as cleanly from the command line with perl stats.pl.

The final line is what triggers the browser and shows the system rundown in all its glory. As you can see there, the script sends its output to /tmp/stat/index.html and to nearby files.

The original called Dillo to show its work; Dillo isn’t terrifically popular so I’ve commented it out. Feel free to uncomment that line and substitute whatever browser you like.


# This program generates a profile of the system, including hardware and
# software, and creates a set of HTML pages based upon that information.
# Created by Robert Sullivan for Feather Linux

sub gen_html_header {
my $title = shift @_;
my $heading = shift @_;
my $header = "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>$title</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1><U>$heading</U></H1><BR>";
return $header;

sub gen_html_end {
my $date = localtime;
my $end = "<HR><I>Generated at $date</I></BODY></HTML>";
return $end;

# Make temporary directory for file structure
mkdir "/tmp/stat";

### CPU page
$input = `cat /proc/cpuinfo`;
my @cpu = split("\n", $input);

foreach $elem (@cpu) {
substr($elem, 0, 11) = "";
open(FH, ">/tmp/stat/cpu.html");
print FH gen_html_header("CPU information", "CPU");
print FH "<B>Megahertz:</B> &nbsp; <I>$cpu[6]Mhz</I> <BR>";
print FH "<B>Model: </B> &nbsp; <I>$cpu[4]</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Cache size:</B> &nbsp; <I>$cpu[7]</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Vendor ID:</B> &nbsp; <I>$cpu[1]</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Bogomips:</B> &nbsp; <I>$cpu[17]</I><BR>";
print FH gen_html_end;
close (FH);
### Memory page
$input = `cat /proc/meminfo`;
my @mem = split("\n", $input);

foreach $elem (@mem) {
substr($elem, 0, 11) = "";
$elem=~s/ //;
# Calculate free memory properly
$mem[4] += $mem[6] + $mem[7];

open(FH, ">/tmp/stat/mem.html");
print FH gen_html_header("Memory information", "Memory");
print FH "<B>Total:</B> &nbsp; <I>$mem[3] kB</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Free:</B> &nbsp; <I>$mem[4] kB</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Shared:</B> &nbsp; <I>$mem[5] kB</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Buffers:</B> &nbsp; <I>$mem[6] kB</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Cached:</B> &nbsp; <I>$mem[7] kB</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Active:</B> &nbsp; <I>$mem[9] kB</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Inactive:</B> &nbsp; <I>$mem[10] kB</I><BR>";
print FH gen_html_end;
close (FH);

### Net page

# First, get information on interfaces via ifconfig
$input = `ifconfig`;
my @net = split("\n", $input);
my @interface;
for ($i=0;$i<=$#net;$i++) {
@interface[$i] = substr($net[$i], 0, 7);
@interface[$i] =~s/ //;

$input = `cat /etc/sysconfig/netcard`;
@net = split("\n", $input);

open (FH, ">/tmp/stat/net.html");
print FH gen_html_header("Network information", "Network");

print FH "<B>Network card:</B> &nbsp; <I>". substr($net[0],9,20) ."</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Driver:</B> &nbsp; <I>". substr($net[1],7,20) ."</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Hostname</B> &nbsp; <I>" . `hostname` . "</I><BR>";

foreach $elem (@interface) {
if ($elem=~/\w/) {
	print FH "<H2><B>" . $elem  ."</B></H2>";
	$input = `ifconfig $elem`;
	if ($input =~ /inet addr:*([0-9|'.']+)/i) {
		print FH "<B>Address:</B> &nbsp; <I>$1</I><BR>";
        if ($input =~ /Bcast:*([0-9|'.']+)/i) {
                print FH "<B>Broadcast address:</B> &nbsp; <I>$1</I><BR>";
	if ($input =~ /Mask:*([0-9|'.']+)/i) {
		print FH "<B>Netmask:</B> &nbsp; <I>$1</I><BR><BR>";
	if ($input =~ /HWaddr *([A-Z0-9|:]+)/i) {
		print FH "<B>HW address:</B> &nbsp; <I>$1</I><BR>";
	if ($input =~ /MTU:*([0-9]+)/i) {
		print FH "<B>MTU:</B> &nbsp; <I>$1</I><BR>";
	if ($input =~ /Interrupt:*([0-9]+)/i) {
		print FH "<B>Interrupt:</B> &nbsp; <I>$1</I><BR>";
	if ($input =~ /Base address:*([0-9|'x']+)/i) {
		print FH "<B>Base address:</B> &nbsp; <I>$1</I><BR>";
print FH gen_html_end;
close (FH);

### Processes page

@net = split("\n",`ps ax`);

open (FH, ">/tmp/stat/processes.html");
print FH gen_html_header("Process information", "Processes");
print FH "<PRE>\n";
foreach $elem (@net) {
	if ($elem=~/betaftpd|pss|monkey|sshd|utelnetd/) {
	print FH "<font color=blue>$elem</font>\n";
	elsif ($elem=~/ash|pump|automount|swapd|init/) {
	print FH "<font color=red>$elem</font>\n";
	else {
	print FH "$elem\n";
print FH gen_html_end;
close (FH);

### Graphics and display page

@net = split("\n", `cat /etc/sysconfig/xserver`);
$g_card = substr($net[2],7,length($net[2])-7);
$g_card=~s/\|/ - /;

@net = split("\n", `fbset`);
if ($net[3]=~ /(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)/) 
$x_res = "$1" . 'x' . "$2";
$y_res = "$3" . 'x' . "$4";
$depth = $5;
if ($net[2]=~ /H: *([0-9.]+)/) {
$h_ref = $1;
if ($net[2]=~ /V: *([0-9.]+)/) {
$v_ref = $1;
@net = split("\n", `cat /home/knoppix/.xserverrc 2>/dev/null`);
if ($net[1]=~ /screen *([0-9x]+)/) {
	$res = $1;
	else {
	$res = $x_res;

open (FH, ">/tmp/stat/graphics.html");
print FH gen_html_header("Graphics and display information", "Graphics and Display");
print FH "<B>Graphics card:</B> &nbsp; <I>$g_card</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Resolution:</B> &nbsp; <I>$res</I><BR>";
print FH "<BR><B>Framebuffer X-resolution: </B> &nbsp; <I>$x_res</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Framebuffer Y-resolution: </B> &nbsp; <I>$y_res</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Framebuffer depth: </B> &nbsp; <I>$depth</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Horizontal framebuffer refresh rate: </B> &nbsp; <I>$h_ref kHz</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Vertical framebuffer refresh rate: </B> &nbsp; <I>$v_ref kHz</I><BR>";
print FH gen_html_end;
close (FH);

### Kernel page

$input = `dmesg`;
open (FH, ">/tmp/stat/dmesg.html");
print FH gen_html_header ("dmesg", "dmesg output");
print FH "<PRE>" . $input . "</PRE>";
print FH gen_html_end;
close (FH);

$input = `cat /proc/modules`;
open (FH, ">/tmp/stat/modules.html");
print FH gen_html_header ("Module information", "Modules loaded");
print FH "<PRE>" . $input . "</PRE>";
print FH gen_html_end;
close (FH);

$input = `sysctl -a`;
open (FH, ">/tmp/stat/sysctl.html");
print FH gen_html_header ("Sysctl", "Output from sysctl");
print FH "<PRE>" . $input . "</PRE>";
print FH gen_html_end;
close (FH);

open (FH, ">/tmp/stat/kernel.html");
print FH gen_html_header("Kernel information", "Kernel");
print FH "<A HREF=\"/tmp/stat/dmesg.html\">Output from dmesg</A><BR>";
print FH "<A HREF=\"/tmp/stat/sysctl.html\">Output from sysctl</A><BR>";
print FH "<A HREF=\"/tmp/stat/modules.html\">Currently loaded modules</A><BR><BR>";
print FH "<B>Kernel release:</B> &nbsp; <I>" . `uname -r` . "</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Kernel name:</B> &nbsp; <I>" . `uname -s` . "</I><BR><BR>";
print FH "<B>Kernel version:</B> &nbsp; <I>" . `uname -v` . "</I><BR>";
print FH "<B>Machine hardware name:</B> &nbsp; <I>".`uname -m`."</I><BR>";
print FH gen_html_end;
close (FH);

### Hard drive and mounts page

@net = split("\n", `mount`);
@hd_input = split("\n",`fdisk -l`);
foreach $elem (@hd_input) {
	if ($elem =~ /Disk *([\w\/]+)/) {
	push @hd_list, $1;

open (FH, ">/tmp/stat/mounts.html");
print FH gen_html_header("Mounts and hard drive information", "Hard drives and mounts");
foreach $elem (@hd_list) {
	$short_dev = $elem;
	$short_dev =~s/\/dev//;
	print FH "<H2><B><A HREF=\"/tmp/stat/$short_dev.html\">$elem</A></B></H2>";
	@hd_input = split("\n",`fdisk -l $elem`);
	if ($hd_input[1]=~ /: *([\w\s.]+)/) {
		print FH "<B>Size:</B> &nbsp; <I>$1</I><BR>";
	if ($hd_input[2]=~ /^(\d+) heads/) {
		print FH "<B>Heads:</B> &nbsp; <I>$1</I><BR>";
	if ($hd_input[2]=~ /sectors\/track, *(\d+)/) {
		print FH "<B>Cylinders:</B> &nbsp; <I>$1</I><BR>";
	if ($hd_input[2]=~ /(\d+) sectors\/track/) {
		print FH "<B>Sectors per track:</B> &nbsp; <I>$1</I><BR>";
	open (FH2, ">/tmp/stat/$short_dev.html");
	print FH2 gen_html_header($elem, $elem);
	print FH2 "<PRE>" . join("\n", @hd_input) . "</PRE>";
	print FH2 gen_html_end;
	close (FH2);
print FH "<TABLE align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"20\"><CAPTION><B>Mounts:</B></CAPTION><TR><TH>Device<TH>Mount point<TH>Filesystem type";
foreach $elem (@net) {
	if ($elem=~ /^([\w\/]+)/) {
		$device = $1;
	if ($elem=~ /on *([\w\/]+)/) {
		$mount_point = $1;
	if ($elem=~ /type *(\w+)/) {
		$type = $1;
	print FH "<TR><TD><B>$device</B><TD>$mount_point<TD>$type";
print FH "</TABLE>";
print FH gen_html_end;
close (FH);

### Summary page

open (FH, ">/tmp/stat/index.html");
print FH "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>System Status</TITLE>";
print FH "</HEAD><BODY bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">";
print FH "<H1>Feather Linux System Status</H1><BR><H2>";
print FH "<A HREF=\"/tmp/stat/cpu.html\">CPU:</A> &nbsp; $cpu[6] Mhz<BR>"; 
print FH "<A HREF=\"/tmp/stat/mem.html\">Memory:</A> &nbsp; $mem[3] kB<BR>";
print FH "<A HREF=\"/tmp/stat/net.html\">Network</A> interface: &nbsp; $interface[0]<BR>"; 
print FH "<A HREF=\"/tmp/stat/graphics.html\">Graphics</A> card: &nbsp; $g_card<BR>";
print FH "<A HREF=\"/tmp/stat/kernel.html\">Kernel</A> release: &nbsp; " . `uname -r` . "<BR>";
print FH "<A HREF=\"/tmp/stat/processes.html\">Processes</A><BR>";
print FH "<A HREF=\"/tmp/stat/mounts.html\">Hard drive and mounts</A><BR>";
print FH "</H2>" . gen_html_end;
close (FH);

### system("dillo /tmp/stat/index.html&");

Credit, of course, goes to Robert Sullivan, as listed in the first lines of the script. Have fun with that, all you perl gurus. … 🙂

2 thoughts on “Feather Linux’s stats.pl perl script

  1. Pingback: Links 18/10/2010: Fusion Linux 14, Debian Live Raves | Techrights

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