An extremely minor update

Time is extremely short today, so I must ask your forgiveness for an equally short post.

I’ve been keeping a day-to-day chronicle of my adventures here for almost five years now. Don’t applaud; it’s nothing to be proud of. Blogging itself is a vacuous and insipid pastime, and I resent it wholeheartedly.

Regardless, some people pointed out that my About page is a little out-of-date, and didn’t really reflect what this site has evolved into.

And they were right, and so I adjusted it slightly. It’s still a very quick rundown on what happens here, with old hardware being the focus, and with the obligatory GFDL statement as well.

And since I still — years after starting out — get comments asking what the title means … that information is now right up front. 😉

3 thoughts on “An extremely minor update

  1. conkeh

    So you won’t be running any schismatic Unity with full 3d enabled for chipper menus and bobby dazzler icons then.. tsk, tsk.

    Well actually I’m running Ubuntu now, albeit from a tiny test partition. It’s so strange. X and Fluxbox on top of minimal install… and I wonder if Fluxbox is still maintained. And so on.


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