Some PKGBUILDs for ConnochaetOS

I promised I would make available the PKGBUILDs I’ve been using for ConnochaetOS, and so … here they are.

I have binary packages for those applications and dependencies, but to be honest, you could probably build them in less time than it takes to download them. Particularly if your machine has any muscle to it at all.

Remy, of the restored 286 fame, graciously offered me some Web space to host stuff like this, and I’ll see if I can get something like a “repository” working. That might also be useful for Crux ports, which I have plenty of.

It may be that some of those things are adopted into ConnochaetOS proper, but if they are or if they’re not, be aware that I probably won’t update these.

So if you stumble on this page a month from now and something is already obsolete … well, you get what you pay for. 🙄

Edit: Just for safekeeping, I put the binaries, source code and patches for these here. I know, Mediafire is not glamorous. …

1 thought on “Some PKGBUILDs for ConnochaetOS

  1. Pingback: My uglified ConnochaetOS beta 2 desktop « Motho ke motho ka botho

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