Not everything works, every time

Not everything works like I expect it to. Even with top-end, full-featured distros, I sometimes run into difficulties I can’t explain or just didn’t predict.

For example, I used to be enamored with Brasero. On a day-to-day basis I rely on Recorder, which is a much more expedient program, but if I’m in Ubuntu (which was the case the other day), Brasero usually satisfies.

Except this time, with 10.10, every time I tried to copy from audio disc to audio disc using my USB DVDRW, the program halted. No error message, no warning report … just poof, and it was gone.

Which was strange to me, even though I am accustomed to things acting funny on the machines I cobble together. But this was Ubuntu, this was “just works.” I must be doing something wrong, I thought.

I tried starting it from the terminal emulator, in hopes of getting some more information. And that’s when it complained that cdrdao wasn’t installed.

I am a patient and generous person, so I installed cdrdao from the terminal. But Brasero still complained that it wasn’t available.

At that point, I figured there were more options than just Brasero. Long ago, Gnomebaker was Ubuntu’s weapon of choice, and installing that took only a few seconds.

But in this case, Gnomebaker wanted to take an hour to convert an entire CD to digital files, before burning the copy. An hour seemed like a very long time. šŸ˜¦

So as a troubleshooting measure, and because I couldn’t find a speed setting for the conversion process in Gnomebaker, I installed Sound Juicer (also a past Ubuntu golden child), and extracted the tracks to flac format in six minutes.

My adventure wasn’t over though. For some reason, I couldn’t add the audio tracks to Brasero, and when I did manage to force-feed it the flac files, it wouldn’t sort them unless I dragged them one-by-one into place.

There were 55 audio tracks. I don’t think so.

Back to Gnomebaker. Added the files. One-button sort the files. And then … Gnomebaker defaulted to a 21-minute CD (who has those?!) and spat out an error message again.

So finally, after about 15 minutes of backtracking and error trapping, I managed to get the CD burnt. It definitely was a lot more of a harangue than I anticipated, just to duplicate an audio CD.

But experiences like this are the exception for me, not the rule. This isn’t so much a critique of Ubuntu or Linux, as just a note that things don’t always go as planned. And that can happen to anybody, with any operating system. šŸ™‚

7 thoughts on “Not everything works, every time

  1. tomas

    I had a similar problem on 10.10… i dont remember what i did tho, probably used another baker or smth.

  2. bpalone

    Almost smells of DRM. Let’s not forget that Ubuntu/Canocial (sp?) has a music store front now. Purely speculation on my part.

  3. Pingback: Three months is not a bad run « Motho ke motho ka botho

  4. Mark R.

    I have a couple wodim scripts in ~/bin I often burn cd’s using them.

    Also, been a bit of fuddling around now that lame is free to go even with debian. I finally got sox to compile with lame support on Debian. Things might settle down, maybe lame comes in via a core instead of universe or whatever U uses these days. No more “lame” /usr/local/bin

    peace mark r

  5. Pingback: Three mediocre attempts « Motho ke motho ka botho

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