Quick note: The second bundle

I only have time for a short note today, and since I mentioned the first one, I should probably mention the second one too: There’s a second Humble Indie Bundle in the offering.

I bought the first one and I will probably buy this one too, particularly because the games this time look more appealing than the last one. If I dare say that out loud. 😉

And please: You could be giving part of your money to a charity. Don’t pirate a penny from an organization that could potentially help a kid. It’s just not cool.

3 thoughts on “Quick note: The second bundle

  1. road

    I’ve been playing them for a few days — they’re worth every penny of what I paid. Also very interesting is that you get to see who paid how much for the games, based on operating system. I won’t spoil the surprise (who pays the most for software: Mac, Windows, Linux?) — go buy it!

  2. ScannerDarkly

    Interesting surprise! If you pay over $7.80 US they give you the first pack as well now. In other words, I have a lot of games that I’ll never play. 😉

  3. gwern

    > Don’t pirate a penny from an organization that could potentially help a kid. It’s just not cool.

    Interesting question in applied ethics – given how successful Child’s Play is, and the relatively dubious nature of its benefits (let’s spend a few hundred dollars on systems and games for kids in the hospital to kill a few hours), is it really better to direct one’s money to Child’s Play rather than the EFF?

    If the comparison were to saving African lives by buying scores of bed nets, then it’d be easy to answer. But does the EFF do enough good for FLOSS and freedom and the economy to make it obviously better than getting kids some video games?


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