Mint vs. LMDE: Sudden weight gain

I’ve only had this Celeron M for about a week now, but I’ve already put four different distros on it, eradicated half of those again, reconfigured, tweaked and wiggled it so many times I almost lost track.

Now it is living out its existence as a remote media player. And it seems well suited to the task. 🙂

I did find a pair of screenshots from late last week though, showing a clean boot in both Linux Mint 10 and Linux Mint Debian Edition 201012, on that same machine.


Linux Mint Debian, left, and Linux Mint

Not surprisingly, the Debian version of Mint comes in a full 30Mb lower on the startup, taking into account both the screenshot tool and the system monitor there.

Whatever heft is added to Ubuntu when it leaves Debian is inherited in Mint, but to be fair there are a lot of twists and turns in the road from Debian to Ubuntu and Debian to LMDE.

It does beg the question though, at least from my point of view: What’s the advantage in using the Ubuntu rendition, if LMDE comes in lighter at the startup?

And is, presumably, lighter throughout … ? 😐

10 thoughts on “Mint vs. LMDE: Sudden weight gain

  1. anon

    Personally I thought it would be the extra crap added to Sid, but suprsingly not. Looks like I can probably upgrade from lenny without bloat.

  2. darkduck

    The difference between LMDE and Mint is the same as between Debian and Ubuntu. Mint team simply puts their additional wrapper to what other teams have done to make interface user-friendly.
    I tried both LMDE and Mint on my machines. Debian does not support my hardware (including WiFi and LAN cards) on newer laptop, while latest Mint works fine there. That’s because Debian (and LMDE) use older version of kernel and set of drivers.
    BTW… LMDE can take less resources while running, but distro itself weights more, it is not intended for CD, only for DVD.
    Please read more in my blog…

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  4. lefty.crupps

    > It does beg the question though, at least from my point
    > of view: What’s the advantage in using the Ubuntu
    > rendition, if LMDE comes in lighter at the startup?
    > And is, presumably, lighter throughout … ?

    I’ve wondered that as well, for years now, but people seem to be stuck on *buntu for whoknowswhat reasons. Marketing is part of it, and the default packages and closed drivers is another part I am sure.

  5. GAW

    I can give you an example of why I prefer a “buntu”.

    I was evaluating Crunchbang “Statler” which is based on Debian Testing. My system uses an Nvidia video card and I use the proprietary driver. When Crunchbang did a kernel upgrade and I rebooted I was dumped to the command line. If I was less computer literate, I would need to figure out what is wrong.

    “buntu” handles this upgrade scenario without user interaction. I can get a kernel upgrade, reboot, and get back to work. Debian could choose to do the simple proprietary video driver reinstall but doesn’t.

    I’ll chose losing 30MB of memory with a user friendly OS. Just my $0.02.

  6. jorge

    From those screenshots, I see the increase of going from using 27.6% of available ram to 33.5%, but that is nothing compared to the shift in cpu usage from 13.9% to 52.6%!
    What gives?

  7. technologyunit

    I actually Wrote about this a few days ago on my personal blog perhaps you saw the article or you were just in a common mind set. Anyway I just thought that was a little amusing.

    Some might say that Debian is purer than Ubuntu, but I disagree, As I said in my article Ubuntu was almost assured to evolve faster than Debian because it facilitated a new release every six months. Thus the expected inovation is significantly higher over a two year period than for Debian.

    As for another idea have you played with LibreOffice? Their are alot of people writing about it, or rather reposting an install guide, but what do you think of it. It seems to be a little more polished but beware its a pain to get back on OpenOffice.


    1. pankromatic

      We will see where Ubuntu leads us.

      I am not sure that a new relase every six months or a year is much guarantee of innovation.

      For a different perspective, try aptosid.

      Keep up the good work


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