A clever memory script in perl

About a year and a half ago, I mentioned a quick-draw python script that shows the amount of memory allocated to each running program, and shows you the results in a cute little table.

Well, maybe not cute. 🙄

Gabe sent an e-mail the other day with simpler, quicker perl script that does something similar, but relies only on top and some shrewd sed-like action to whittle the results down.

And those results look something like …

Mem% Cmd [num instances]

9.5 bash [5]
8.7 elinks [2]
8.3 alpine [1]
6.5 centerim [1]
4.9 ssh [2]
3.6 mc [1]
3.6 vim [1]
3.4 wyrd [1]
2.8 screen [2]
2.4 udevd [3]

With allowances given for WordPress.com’s mangling of code boxes. 👿 🙄

Not exactly a mimic of the other script, but not intended to be. This shows memory percentage, but could probably be adjusted to show any of the information top allows. Rather clever, actually. 🙂

Gabe has given his permission to cut-and-paste this one, so here are the important bits:


# topsum v0.1 - sum multiple instances from top to get cumulative memory usage

@topsum = `top -n 1 -b`;

foreach $line (@topsum) {
    if ($inlist == 1) {
	@curline = split(/\s+/,$line);
	$cumulativemem{$curline[-1]}[0] += $curline[-3];
    $inlist = 1 if ($line =~ /^\s+PID/);

print "\n\tMem%\tCmd [num instances]\n\n";
foreach (sort {$cumulativemem{$b}[0] <=> $cumulativemem{$a}[0]} keys %cumulativemem) {
    print "\t$cumulativemem{$_}[0]\t$_ \[$cumulativemem{$_}[1]\]\n" if ($cumulativemem{$_} > 0);
    if ($dummy == 10) {print "\n"; last}

The nicest part about this script? You don’t need root permission to use it. A small bonus, from my perspective. 🙂

4 thoughts on “A clever memory script in perl

  1. Mike McC.

    Wow… some really interesting (disgusting) results from my Ubuntu machine. nautilus taking nearly half a gig isn’t too shocking, but my fun little geyes_applet2 is sitting on 10M? yikes.

  2. Gabe

    For some reason this script doesn’t work with watch. Can anyone figure out why? It runs, but the values are all wrong. I think it might have to do with ‘watch’ passing its arguments to sh, but if I start an sh session and run ‘topsum’ it works fine. Any ideas?

  3. Jose Catre-Vandis

    Here’s mine:

    Mem% Cmd [num instances]

    6.2 firefox-bin [1]
    2.5 skype.real [1]
    1.5 Xorg [1]
    1.4 blueman-applet [1]
    1.3 ubuntuone-syncd [1]
    1.3 apache2 [6]
    1.2 Thunar [1]
    1.2 ubuntu-sso-logi [1]
    1.1 plugin-containe [1]
    1 applet.py [1]

  4. Gabe

    FWIW, here’s mine:

    Mem% Cmd [num instances]

    13.5 apache2 [6]
    3.9 mysqld [1]
    2.7 NetworkManager [1]
    1.5 postgres [5]
    1 evolution-data- [1]
    1 named [1]
    0.7 winbindd [4]
    0.7 smbd [2]
    0.6 getty [6]
    0.6 sshd [3]

    (768MB total RAM, Debian Lenny, serving WordPress)


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