A short break

All is well here in this particular part of Japan. Thanks for the positive notes.

For obvious reasons I’m going to take a hiatus for a few days. I’ll see if I can resume my daily schedule next week, and perhaps have something to add.

If you need information in English about events here, I would first suggest the BBC’s live World Service stream, which lately has been focused on Japan. A pls file with the address of the Vermont Public Radio rebroadcast is here.

Beyond that I would suggest Google’s crisis response effort as a focus for more information. Cheers and see you in a few days.

9 thoughts on “A short break

  1. fromAfar

    I was holding my breath, hoping that all was well with you. Take all the time that you need and take care.

  2. dad6913

    Glad you are ok. Our hopes and prayers are with you and your entire country. I could not even imagine the the horror you all have been through. Hang in there and best wishes.

  3. Gutterslob

    Good to know you’re safe and sound, K.Mandla
    Totally slipped my mind that you were based in Japan, possibly due to your “better-than-Japanese-average” command of English.

    Been making non-stop calls, confirming the safety of my friends/acquaintances. Most are in Tokyo and appear unhurt, but I haven’t been able to reach a few, which is sort of worrying. Just hoping they’re just too busy to reply my messages.

    I realize everyone is still quite nervous, with the threat of aftershocks and problems with the nuclear power plants.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in Japan.

    Stay safe,
    Slob (Litho)


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