Looking over Crux again

It’s been a while since I installed Crux on any machine in the house, and even longer since I put it on anything faster than about 150Mhz.

Just for old time’s sake, and to make sure I hadn’t lost my touch, and to see what would happen, I put it on the 2.5Ghz Celeron the other day, and did some system updates overnight. The end result:

That’s an 8-year-old machine jumping from Grub to the X desktop in just over 9 seconds. I don’t underconfigure my systems, so everything is working there — sound, network and what have you.

I also didn’t overconfigure it: CFLAGS are only -O2 and the recommended settings for a Pentium 4 Celeron, as per the Gentoo wiki.

So why so fast? No good reason … except for the one I mentioned a while ago, when I made the same pitch.

If you recall a speed jump when you moved from something gluttonous and bloated, like Ubuntu, to something sparse and clean, like Arch … well, you’ll see the same improvement when you move to something skeletal and streamlined.

To illustrate the point:

The same system, same hardware, same filesystem, but more than 20 seconds for Arch to start just to the console — and that’s with the network daemon backgrounded so it doesn’t hang while it contacts the router.

Of course, the day-to-day speed improvement comes at the cost of building up a system from scratch (more or less), and like a lot of my Crux systems, this one quickly went southward when I started tweaking it.

Plus, it took me two or three attempts just to get the kernel working, and another one or two to get the graphics system functional.

Personally, I consider that to be a good thing — I’ve learned a lot from Crux, and I can always stand to learn some more. I learn my making mistakes and figuring out how to solve them, or at least circumvent them.

So while I don’t use this much for faster, heavier machines, I still rely on it — sometimes too much — for low-end hardware and extra slow systems.

Because if it can trim Grub-to-X to under 10 seconds at 2.5Ghz, imagine what it can do for 150Mhz. 😈

P.S.: Sorry about the sideways videos. I thought YouTube let you rotate a video after posting it, but it appears that I am wrong. 😐

13 thoughts on “Looking over Crux again

  1. imgx64

    I remember when Ubuntu used to boot in about 20 seconds too. Now it’s too bloated :(. Unfortunately, I’m too lazy to move to something else.

  2. Pingback: The temptation of Crux « Notes from the Library

  3. Pogeymanz

    Hey, no cheating!

    The Grub menu was present for much longer in the Arch video than the Crux video. If we start the timer after the Grub entry is selected, I count the times closer to
    Arch -16s
    Crux -9s

  4. Pingback: Links 21/3/2011: KDE and Red Hat Raves | Techrights

  5. xui

    Another fine article that I enjoyed reading 🙂
    Besides the booting time, is there a remarkable performance difference between Arch and Crux after booting?

    I’ve been curious regarding Crux lately, probably I’ll install it on my old netbook, even if the performance after boot difference isn’t that great between arch and crux, I’m pretty sure it will be a good educational experience 🙂

  6. ash

    I found a very old laptop compaq presario M2000
    256mb ram and 1.6ghz speed and looking to resurrect it with a linux os which is the best suited linux for it?
    the use is pretty minimalistic,nothing big, just music,movies, and some internet surfing.
    Thanks ~


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