Changes in the air

Now that the lurch of console programs are out of the way, I have two minor changes to report.

First, I am considering options for reducing the number of computers in the house by one, perhaps two. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true.

Spring is the season for relocating, and as a result a number of expatriates in my area are pulling up stakes and shifting to new locations.

So I am expecting to be the beneficiary of at least one computer, and maybe more. And so I need to think about thinning the herd. And to be honest, it would be nice to have a change or two.

I am a little attached to some of these computers though, so it’s going to be hard to decide. I have three sub-150Mhz Pentiums though, which is probably about two too many.

So some might go. And really, having a 120Mhz, a 133Mhz and a 150Mhz system in the house is only a curiosity to me. To anyone else, it’s a little bizarre.

The other news of note is a random string of misbehavior coming out of the laptop-turned-wall-clock. I had seen it acting strangely even during teardown and buildup, but the problems haven’t magically gone away.

For the record, it freezes during almost any attempt to use aptitude. I am not sure why that alone is the trouble, but it’s the only common thread.

A long time ago I thought it was an issue of faulty memory, but I’ve tried three different sticks now, and it happens all the same. I’m leaning toward a problematic hard drive now.

Not that it means a whole lot anyway. The clock runs, the map updates, the system is fine … it just itches a little bit, to not be able to properly update the system.

Oh, if only all my systems were so lucky. 🙄

2 thoughts on “Changes in the air

  1. Dan

    Is it just aptitude or apt-get as well?
    If the problem is genuinely confined to aptitude then you can just use apt to keep the system up to date (if force of habit is an issue you can just alias aptitude to apt-get).
    If the problem exists in apt as well as aptitude then you have some more info to play with.


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