Azulejo: Quick window tiles

It’s an odd coincidence, but I got an e-mail a day ago asking about making the leap from Gnome to a tiling window manager.

Late last week there was a thread on the Ubuntu Forums mentioning Azulejo, a little utility that allows you to tile windows in Gnome or other desktop environments.

It works much better than the old tile package, which isn’t really around any more, it seems.

Basically there are four or five main window arrangements, and you can bounce between them at the press of a key … or two, if you’re willing to count the Super_* key.

You also have the option to stretch and expand windows, and rotate them through the arrangement. In a small way it sort of reminds me of dvtm, or maybe Awesome.

It’s not a true-blue tiling window manager by any stretch of the imagination, but it does give you a taste. And it comes at a very light cost, in terms of dependencies.

Of course, if you’re running this up against Gnome, the dependencies probably won’t bother you. 🙄

10 thoughts on “Azulejo: Quick window tiles

  1. Foz

    It was looking for a way to tile my windows in Ubuntu that led me to this blog in the first place.

    I think I had been spoiled by Windows, then I could simply ask it to tile or cascade, and then I discovered that I couldn’t do such a simple thing by default in Gnome.

    Am I the only person that thinks it should be built into the window manager?

  2. andy

    Foz, there are at least two of us! Right click and tile windows vertically (or horizontally) is one of the features in Windows I use the most… sadly missed in XFCE.

  3. ancientforest

    You can also use your session manager to run Gnome when you need gooey goodness and a proper tiler (wmii, i3 are good candidates) in different sessions.

    Unless you spend most of your time in programs (like Gimp) with lots of floating palettes, there’s much to be gained and very little to lose by running the real thing.

  4. Frostyfrog

    Here’s how I traveled.
    gnome -> xfce -> xmonad

    But everyone has their own method of traveling (and I only use xmonad because it’s faster, smaller, and I have a small netbook screen, so full screen for everything). So there are many ways and many different options.

  5. Pingback: Sam and me « Motho ke motho ka botho

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