A note of thanks: vim-stripped

A small note, to give credit where credit is due: I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I was trying to rewrite the vim PKGBUILD for Arch.

My goal was to avoid the x11 and GTK2 dependencies that appear in the ConnochaetOS version, for a framebuffer-only system. I wasn’t having much luck.

But Barthalion mentioned vim-stripped in AUR, and that seems to do the trick for me. No need for git, et al., and still handles most of the major chores I have.

I had to adjust the patch level variable slightly before it would run through (I think I set mine to 170, but I expect that will change), otherwise it gave me a cheerful error message.

In any case, thank Barthalion and thanks again AUR, for showing me how things should have been done. As opposed to my battered, fruitless attempts. 🙂

2 thoughts on “A note of thanks: vim-stripped

  1. tidux

    Debian has a vim-nox package that has all the bells and whistles in terms of actual features, but no GUI. It’s basically the first package I install on any Debian system I start from a netinstall – it helps that it also pulls in Python, Ruby, and Tcl for my scripting needs.


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