An apology, and a eulogy

Well, first up is an apology, for disappearing without a trace for the past two weeks, and leaving no note. To the people who wrote and inquired after my condition, thank you. All is well.

Truth is, I mentioned briefly that real life had intruded in my last post, and a day or two later it went beyond “intrusion” and more into the realm of “invasion.” Work simply had to be handled in free time. As will happen.

But more or less, everything is fine, even if the state of affairs is still too dense for comfort. If I am lucky, in another day or two it will all be just an unpleasant memory.

The past two weeks have not been without incident either. Most notable was the Greg Louganis imitation that the once-genius weather clock performed, while I was not at home one day.

I came back to a splintered screen and a puddle of leftover decade-old parts. About the only good thing that happened in that event was, apparently, that the power cord disconnected in the fall.

So at least it didn’t lie there in an injured heap, sucking energy all day. 😐

In any case, it was a good end to an only mediocre machine. I scavenged the few parts that were worth keeping (network card, memory chip), dd‘d an image of the drive, and sent the rest out with the recycling. RIP, little laptop that could.

I would like to do that again, given the proper parts and equipment. The few eccentrities this machine had were easily overcome, and more than I like to admit, I grew quickly to rely on that clock.

But I’d also like to repeat the photo frame experiment too, mostly because I think I could get that working in a way that would be useful in the office.

Not like I need to be spending more time focused on work though. … 😯

4 thoughts on “An apology, and a eulogy

  1. x33a

    How did it fall though? I suspect it must have been one of the regular earthquakes of japan. Thankfully there was no short circuit.

    1. K.Mandla Post author

      It’s possible. I live far from the March 11 earthquake zone, but we’ve definitely had a few small shocks since then. I also suspect the mounting hooks I used had become dry, since the seasons changed.


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