
As I have mentioned in the past, my real-life responsibilities include some middle-management tasks. Quite glamorous.

Unfortunately, as they did last month, those responsibilities became more time-consuming last week, and don’t seem to offer any foreseeable break in the future.

I must put this site into hibernation for a while, and if I can recover the free time it takes to maintain it, I’ll reopen it again.

I apologize if that is disappointing or an inconvenience for you; it is also a little disappointing to me. But unfortunately there are only so many hours in a day, and right now they’re just not enough.

I will probably disable commenting after a few days, but please keep in touch via the e-mail form on the About page. I may get a chance to answer you, but I can’t promise anything.

Keep your fingers crossed. Cheers, and be kind to one another. πŸ˜‰

20 thoughts on “Hiatus

  1. Mike

    That is unfortunate. I have enjoyed reading and learning from you and this site. Doing more with less has always appealed to me. Take care and I hope to hear from you again.

  2. Kazagha

    Ditto. Your rtorrent article was the catalyst that started me on on CLI applications. I have since adopted a number of programs from your software list that I use on a daily basis that I would otherwise never have found.

    Thank you for your time and effort and I look forward to seeing you again in the future.

  3. Isaac of Sweden

    Noooooooooooooo!!! πŸ˜₯

    Thanks for everything. Be well.
    Hope you’ll be able to reopen the site some time.

  4. evidex

    I’ll miss your posts KMandla, you were a huge factor in me starting my own blog, and I love reading your stuff.

    However, I understand how hectic things can get, and how impossible it seems to fit in blogging at the same time.

    I hope things return to normal soon 😦

  5. Per

    I’m sorry to see this happening. I’ve never been part of the discussions in these comments, and even though it has been a while since I’ve used Linux, I’ve really enjoyed reading your posts, which have been well written, informative and entertaining.
    I hope you’ll soon get the time to write again, and I wish you the best of luck.

  6. mrreality13

    I hope every thing goes smoothly for ya and look forward to the future.
    Best wishes and come back soon.

  7. Hippytaff

    That is sad news. As a late-comer to this excellent blog I stll have the archives, but I will soreley miss your posts. Take Care K.Mandla, and thanks for opening my eyes.

  8. bpalone

    Funny how making a living gets in the way of making money and/or doing other things that one enjoys. I have the same problem and fully understand. Good luck with everything, I’ve enjoyed reading your blog.

    Hopefully, you can still find a little time to play with your projects. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

    Best of luck in all you do.

  9. gulrot

    Thanks for everything this far πŸ™‚ and I hope that you will get the time to start writing again in not to wrong, because I’m so used to reload your page every day, until a new post, and you have never disappointed! Also you have moved me over to using a lot of cli applications, Please take care, and come over again when you have the time.

  10. Tobias Mann

    It happens to all of us! I am sure you have considered this but cutting back rather than hibernating is a great alternative. Writing twice a month or better once a week would be great.

    It is up to you, I have no idea what kind of situations and time constraints you are facing. Thanks for letting me know.

  11. HilltopYodeler

    That’s unfortunate, but is a reality of life. When things get to rolling along too quickly, sometimes one has to let go of a few things that consume one’s time.

    I will miss reading your daily posts. Please come back soon and continue to preach the gospel of minimalism, even if only once per month.

  12. 6176746f6c6c65

    I understand how things can be. Best of luck, awaiting your insight as time allows.

  13. ThirdMonkey

    The sites good and all, but don’t quit your day job. XD

    Best of luck, try to throw us a post once in a while.

  14. Peter

    I’ll miss your posts 😦

    but life is never static so I’ll wish you good luck with the future and hope that the chaotic thing we call life will at some point in the future once again give you the time for this or a similar endeavour πŸ™‚


  15. Linuxbakkie

    Sad news…

    I normally started the day with a cup of coffee and your blog.
    It was my ‘morning-routine’ for the past few years.

    I’ll hope that things go well for you.

    Lot’s of greetings from The Netherland


  16. Duncan Snowden

    You’ll be missed. Best of luck with everything, and I hope you’ll be back sometime.

  17. msx

    NO WAY! This is a sad day, fuck real world 😑
    We will miss you a lot – no matter there are a zillion blogs in the net there aren’t really too many of them as fine as “Motho ke motho…” is :S
    I hope your new work obligations are good enough to justify this trade-off: better money, better place to work, more time to do what you really like to do and so on.

    We will miss you man, really
    Best of luck and please try to remember you have a bunch of readers waiting for you πŸ˜‰
    Best luck!


  18. Ninadb

    Please come back and start posting soon.

    Your blog was the inspiration to bring out the old Dell C600 lying useless in the cupboard and start experimenting with Arch and Crux

    Will miss the posts

    All the best and see you soon



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